Monday, April 26, 2010

quiz of the day

What is it behind a in front of a woman but behind of a cow?

The answer is .......................


"W" oman
co "W"

I've got it right.
Have you?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quiz of the Day

What is the difference between the lady in the church and the lady in the bathroom?
The answer is:

Woman in the church: the soul full of hope
Woman in the bathroom: the hole full of soap

Sorry, it's just a crap joke.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Woman's World

Was spending my whole off-day in the library, poking my nose into a small simple book entitled: A Woman's World.

It's a book about the solo travels of women, their stories and experiences, very motivating and intriguing.

It's true to say that there is much difference between the creatures from Mars and Venus. From the book, i agree that a woman's journey is varied from a man's even thought some routes taken. Women are more to relationship and empathy to some little things around them. While men are more to maps, directions, picture snapping etc. Yet, generally, it takes more courage for a woman to step on a solo journey as women often to be viewed as vulnerable and needed protection.

Come on, we are not weak. We can be strong and enjoy our freedom as much as we wish to. But first and foremost, to step on own foot, you need to know carry your own baggage and weight. It's a meaningful quote from the book. Not only mean that you must be physically capable to carry your luggage on your own, you must be mentally able to carry the responsibility and risk following you.

Instead, women can enjoy a lot of privilege. That is true. But many of the times, a principle must be there so that we are not being drifted by the different cultures and trends when traveling.

Well, come out from your comfort zones and venture out!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

i'm sorry

i am sorry, i am still the same me. you said you wanted to train me to be the firmer person. again, my tears were still dropping. i couldn't control the shedding of it.

i am sorry. i am still too soft, too straight.

the more i hold it back, the more the tears shed. i cried, not because i was being bullied or being shouted at. i cried because of hating the weak me! i should stand straight with the firm voice, fighting back, but not like a timid snail, hiding inside its shell and self pitying.

the solf voice of comforting, "don't cry! take it easy!" made it worse. who says i am crying? yet the tears drop? do you think i really want to cry? like a crying baby? i am not! i never was and never am!

is crying making you addicted? the more you cry, the harder you stop it!

well, it's really true. heaps of laughter and cry make up my's my life here, full of ups and's part and parcel, to make me stronger!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Daylight Saving Ends

Happy Easter!
Today, 4th April, not only is the Easter Sunday, but it the day when daylight saving ends.

New Zealand is one of the funniest country which changes the time every year! Today, the time is going back one hour. Which means, we were all the while 5 hours ahead of Malaysian time since last September, today onwards, it would be only 4 hours ahead.

The ending of daylight saving also symbolizes the ending of summer. The length of day time is getting shorter. Winter is two months time.

One thing interesting here is the weather. Unpredictable weather, just like my mood, swings easily. Sunny morning, windy evening. You could get sun-burned and chilling cold in the same day.

Anyway, 2 more months, i am going to say goodbye to this lovely city and back to my all-time summer beloved Malaysia! I have learnt appreciating the sun-shine.
