Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wellington Sunday Market

It's Sunday again! It's time to go pasar!
You know, due to the cheap price, there are a lot of people get their weekly groceries there! You can find the cheap heaps of fruits and vegetables! The stalls are mostly run by the Chinese and Maori community.

I like there, just like every Sunday i went to pasar with my mum! But this pasar is much bigger! I like to see the big basket of apples, apricots, peaches, bananas, plums, strawberries, nectarines, mangoes, tomatoes etc. My god, i love fruits! It's like a paradise of fruits!
See, apple season is on! 5kg of apples, a big sacks, only costs you 4 bucks!

It's a lovely morning to shop at this Sunday market (although it's really heavy to carry all the stuffs alone) !


Friday, February 26, 2010

Too Many Chiefs But Too Little Indians

You know, I was told this morning, Too Many Chiefs But Too Little Indians. This is the problems happened here. See, so many persons with different authorities, with different sayings. Remember a saying goes as Work As A Team, definitely not like this! With so many chiefs, the direction is not fixed. With different benefits wanted, the implementation of ideas is varies.

Look at it properly, the Indians are only asking to earn a living. Once the problem is solved, then nothing to worry. However, too few Indians, yet the chiefs are arguing with different stands and opinions. The Indians are confused, who to follow? What to follow?

In the end, blood is still thicker than water. After turning a big circle, it comes to the central point which was the beginning. After so much happened, now back to the old story, old system.

How I miss my carefree laugh...When will it be ended? Or it starts to circle again...then back to the starting point...round and round and round...never ending...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big Apple? Rotten Apple?

There's come a big apple, everybody is trying so hard to get near to it. From far, it is nice to see, looked so delicious.

Sooner or later, people who get near to it discover there is something fishy about the apple, something wrong with it. Some says, it's rotten! Throw it away!

Some still blinded by it's external beauty, claiming that, no! It's still okay!

By keeping the rotten apple, other good apples infected, to a certain extent. At first, there is a crowd to approach the apples, now no more, because the news of rotten apple has spread.

No matter how unbearable, rotten apple should be thrown away.

It does not mean that rotten apple is not good, it is good in somewhere else, not certainly not for fruit consumption purpose...

Well, at last, it is thrown.

It's time for the other apples to start re-organizing and get a fresh start!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stay or Leave

This is the most frequent questions poured on me lately. Anyway, I have made up my mind, I am leaving this beautiful city in the first week of June.

Great people are met here, I am fortunate. I have been learning a lot, yet a long journey to go. This is my learning place, regardless how tiring, I told myself, "Hey! Hang on! Do your best in everything!" Yeah, I don't want any regret, that's y i put 100% effort in everything i did.

Some thought I am such a stupid idiot for working so hard yet getting so little paid. Hey, the rewards i got cannot be judged by merely look at my bank book! I must say, the experience and people I met are my greatest gift! I really appreciate it! You know, I am always so happy and enjoy to work in this kind of restaurant. Bringing the joy to the customers, and watching them so satisfied with everything gives me a lot of satisfaction. Although it's stressful to think of promotion to increase the daily sales, yet the joy when seeing the sales are getting picked up was indescribable. I love the challenge, although it sucks out my energy. I don't really mind, as long as I could see my effort paid off. As I say, I would like to see how far I could go and I will definitely put my 100% effort in whatever I am doing right now.

There are a lot of unbearables to leave here, I am sure I will. Yet, I miss my family and friends in Malaysia. They are so sweet and so caring towards me. I love you guys! My love towards them will always bring me matter how far I go.

Anyway, this is only the starting point...I have a long way to go! Keep it up!


New Room

It has been a while since my arrival in Wellington.

In the past few weeks, i have been moving a lot, nomad life. From one place to another, traveling by bus and walking around. Yet it made me more familiar with this town. I like to keep moving, static to one place is definitely not a choice for me!

Finally I have settled down. Found my little room with the least rent, but equiped with all i want (internet accessment, kitchen, bed, tv etc). The tenants in this appartment including ppl from all over the world, chile, brazil, bangladesh, china, itali, french and so on. However, they are really nice and friendly. But i can hardly spend time in my room, since i spent almost all my time in working!

A lot of people would be wondering, what the hell you are doing lately? why i am like suddenly disappear from everyone? In fact, in the past few weeks, I have been experiencing the most hectic life in my life. A lot of new things to learn and to catch up. I appreciated the opportunity given and I am not afraid to try everything. Every task given, I would never say no until I try my best but fail. Because of this principle, yes, I learnt a lot.

Though the life is hectic and sometimes unbearable, but I am always the lucky one. Assistance is always there, no matter how hard it is. I have no fear in facing anything, I know I will be okay at last. But I truly grateful for everyone here. It is whom made me growing. Heaps of tears and laughs, which recorded my memory here.

I should say, this is an exciting and interesting place, with different stories to be told everyday, like a never ending drama series.

Planning to update my news here more often...I will see how it goes...But for time being I really do not have any clue where and how to start with...