Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Spending the whole night in the msn chat room with few secondary school mates...discussing about the cny gathering. Seasonal festival is always a golden time for meeting up with friends, especially those losing contact for quite some time ones. So since the biggest and joyous festival is coming (at least for me), shouldn't we grab this opportunity to catch up with each other's life?

Indeed, organize it involves tons of communication. Anyway, i believe words do spread. Those who have the will to meet all sure turn up...For those rather hide up, i have to give my hands off...Somehow, some may think this kind of gathering is quite silly and meaningless...meet up each other, so what? getting to know each other's life, so what? chatting and laughing about the crazy historical events done together, so what? There are so many so-what excuses...yet isn't it part of our life? We cannot live without history, although we are told to leave behind those happened and look forward. Friends are the gifts in our life. No man is an island, okay?

Really looking forward to see u guys back there!

Counting down: 14 days

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