A talk organized by Golden Key.
Sad to say, the number of audience was not hard to count, within 3 persons fingers, though it is an interesting topic and good speakers were invited.
Micheal Tan : only 23 y/o. Founder of yourparttime.com.
He shared his stories of open up his own business during his studying time (upm as well). He can be my role model, serious! I really intend to start doing my business while i am still in school. He is right, actually we have plenty of time during studying years if we know how to manage it.
Henry Goh : 27 y/0. Founder of Micro Kiosk
This speaker was quite inpiring, for me. He has a courage to change his life, to let down his parents expectation and manage to succeed in his own route! The 10 principles he mentioned are just perfect! Please yourself, not anyone else. Yes, do not force ourselves doing sth we do not like just to please the others. No regret, no failure, ony lessons. We are YOUNG, so try it, why not? Do not be afraid of failure, it is NOTHING. Only lessons and experience in the end!
Kevin Zahri : 30 y/o. Founder of Maxhosting.com.my and cekodok.com
He is playful in life. Enjoy everything he did and does. Well, probably this much or less is related to what his family background. The wealthiness in his family can really make him playing around. Yet, he has the right attitude towards his life. When you think about it, just do it.
It was a nice Friday evening. I do learn sth.